September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Der Spiegel: Putin traveled to Mongolia to see shamans to get approval for using nuclear weapons

Putin traveled to Mongolia to see shamans to get approval for using nuclear weaponsa Russian opposition journalist writes about this with reference to sources Mikhail Zygar in an article for German Der Spiegel.

Former editor-in-chief of the TV channel “Rain” claims that without the consent of the shamans, Putin did not dare to make a decision on “nuclear” because he was afraid of angering the spirits, but now “came back from Mongolia happy”.

At the same time, Zygar clarifies that none of his sources could not confirm the veracity of these rumors. “This version sounds like a big fantasy. None of my sources can confirm it. However, the meeting with Mongolian shamans seems to have taken place.”– writes Zygar. Before Mongolia, he was in Tuva. These two regions are considered “the birthplace of the world's most powerful shamans.” Putin often visits Tuva, and has been to Mongolia three times in the last 10 years.

As Zygar writes, the first to introduce Putin to shamans was Tuvan Shoigu, they went there together. According to rumors voiced by Zygar, Shoigu once suggested Putin to take a bath in the blood of young deer antlers to rejuvenate himself. According to the same rumors, Putin consulted with various mystics before the invasion of Ukraine and they all assured him of a military victory.

At the same time, newly converted shamans often have close ties with the authorities, so they can say things, what officials want to hear. And at one of Putin's events, members of his administration replaced the shamans who seemed to them “too young and not respectable enough”on actors who knew the ritual well. “The ceremony was spectacular, everyone was pleased,” – the publication writes.

In addition to shamanic rituals, according to Der Spiegel, Putin is also interested in Orthodox mysticism. Sources say that Putin spends a lot of time with the so-called elders of the Valaam Monastery in Karelia.


Mikhail Zygar (right) and his partner (husband/wife) Jean-Michel Shcherbak

From the author: inApparently the author of the books “All the Kremlin's Men”, “The Empire Must Die”, “Everyone is Free” ran out of donations, since he started spouting such nonsense. However, in German publications, they will gladly accept any nonsense, as long as it contains something negative about Russia and Putin…

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