September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Gavdos: Two men arrested for trafficking 38 illegals

Two men were arrested as smugglers of illegal migrants early on Thursday, September 12, when they were found on a boat sailing south of Gavdos. They are foreigners aged 29 and 23, and will appear before the prosecutor.

The arrested persons are being prosecuted for violating the amended Law 5038/2023 and the current Law 5079/2023, Law 3386/2005 “Illegal entry into the country”as well as Articles 306 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and 45 of the Code of Criminal Procedure “Collusion”.

Let us recall that under the coordination of EKSΕΔ yesterday morning 38 migrants were found and rescued on board a boat in the sea area south of Gavdos. The area was experiencing a northwesterly wind of force 4-5 on the Beaufort scale. Migrants were rescued by a tankerpassing in this area of ​​the sea. According to available information, among the illegal immigrants there are 3 Sudanese, 6 Egyptians and 29 Syrians.

As reports, the rescued were transferred to a lifeboat Coast Guardto be transported to Gavdos and from there to Chania to carry out the prescribed procedures.Coast Guard Detailed Message:

“Regarding the discovery and rescue of thirty eight (38) foreigners in the sea area 45 nautical miles south of Gavdos early yesterday morning, it is known that two (02) foreigners, aged 29 and 23, were arrested as traffickers of the remaining foreigners. They arrested for violation of Law 5038/2023 as amended and the current Law 5079/2023, Law 3386/2005 “Illegal entry into the country”, Article 306 PC “Disclosure” and Article 45 PC “Conspiracy”.

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