September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Putin: “If Ukraine strikes us with Western weapons, we will fight with NATO countries”

Vladimir Putin made it clear today that if the West allows Ukraine to strike Russian territory with long-range missiles supplied to Kyiv by Western countries, this would mean that “NATO countries are waging war against Russia.”

He explained this by the fact that, according to him, the Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot independently carry out strikes with Western high-precision weapons; flight missions for it “Only NATO military can contribute, and the missiles themselves are guided by NATO satellite systems.”

“And therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It is a question of making a decision that NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict. If this decision is made, it will mean nothing less than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, and European countries in the war in Ukraine. And this, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict. This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are fighting Russia. And if this is so, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make an appropriate decision based on the threats that will be created for us.”– Putin said.

Don't you feel sorry for Europe?

The US may give Ukraine permission to strike deep into Russia, but with British missiles, the publication writes Times. The publication reports that President Biden may decide to give the green light to using Storm Shadow missiles and their French counterpart, the Scalp missiles, to hit targets in Russia on the grounds that UK and France support such a move. However, the US will not allow Ukraine to launch its longest-range version of ATACMS at targets abroad, “hoping to prevent further escalation of the conflict.”

One of the sources said they expected the option to be discussed between British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Biden in Washington on Friday, although they did not think there was much chance of a “snap announcement” on the issue (meaning the decision taken would not be made public).

Biden is expected to discuss the issue with other European leaders to gauge their views on any policy changes. A British defence source, meanwhile, said the UK does not need the backing of other NATO countries to give the go-ahead. At the same time, sources say London itself has not yet decided anything and will only have a final say after Biden and Starmer meet.

Nevertheless, it goes on “change of tone” on this issue, and the Biden administration, “maybe ready to finally agree to Kyiv's requests to allow the Ukrainian military to more decisively defend itself and take more aggressive actions inside Russia.”

The French newspaper Le Monde, commenting on this topic, reports on the West's concern that the war “will spread beyond Ukraine, to Poland and Latvia,” therefore, it is delaying the decision on whether to allow strikes deep into Russia. In any case, Ukraine is unlikely to be allowed long-range strikes on Russian territory before the UN General Assembly in New York, which begins on September 22, writes Bloomberg. British Minister Lammy confirmed this, saying the UN meeting would be the next opportunity to discuss the issue.

In parallel, the idea of ​​shooting down missiles over Ukraine's territory by its western neighbors is being discussed. There is no consensus on this issue either, but countries on NATO's eastern flank may “to take action in Ukrainian airspace without a broader agreement,” sources say. However, representatives of these countries themselves, in informal conversations, reject this possibility.

“My prime minister would not like to do that. You know, we are currently discussing whether to shoot down Russian cruise missiles over your airspace from our airspace, without entering your territory. And even that is very, very controversial at this stage. And there is no agreement on that, because that means entering the war.”“, – Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski said in a conversation with Russian pranksters who introduced themselves as Petro Poroshenko. He also said that Warsaw does not want to directly enter the war in Ukraine.

Sikorski, however, added that Warsaw's position on this matter could change if the front in Ukraine begins to collapse. “But at the moment there is zero desire to do this,” – said Sikorsky.

Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons

Russian political scientist Sergei Karaganov, who recently interviewed Putin on this issue, called use nuclear weapons in response to non-nuclear strikes on Russian territory. “The time has come to declare that we have the right to respond to any massive attacks on our territory with a nuclear strike. This also applies to any seizure of our territory. At the same time, the concept of “nuclear escalation” must be introduced into the doctrine so that such steps are preceded by steps that would convince a hypothetical or real enemy that we are ready to use nuclear weapons,” — Karaganov said in an interview “Kommersant”.

According to him, the current doctrine and policy in the sphere of the use of nuclear weapons is outdated and does not fulfill its functions, since it almost completely excludes the use of such weapons. Karaganov called this policy “immoral” and called for a revision of the doctrine.

“The main goal of the doctrine should be to ensure that all current and future adversaries are confident that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons. This is not only our duty to our country and our citizens who are now dying on the front lines and even now in peaceful cities, it is our duty to the world. If we do not reactivate nuclear deterrence, the world will fall into a series of wars that will inevitably acquire a nuclear character and end in a third world war. This is a matter of several years. Russia's duty is to sharply activate the nuclear factor in world politics and convince our adversaries that we are ready to use nuclear weapons in the event of any encroachment on our territory and our citizens,” – said Karaganov.

Karaganov proposes to attack European capitals with conventional weapons in response to strikes on Russia

“If a drone hits the Kremlin again, why not launch a regular missile strike on the Reichstag first? Let it burn,” – he said.

Let us recall that in Russia now are preparing to change their nuclear doctrine, which has already been officially confirmed. But how and when it will be changed is still unknown. It is possible that if the West gives the Ukrainian Armed Forces permission to strike Russia with long-range missiles, this process may accelerate.

In addition, State Duma Speaker Volodin, in response to the possible permission for long-range strikes against the Russian Federation, has already threatened strikes “more powerful weapons.” By which we can only mean nuclear weapons, since Russia has already used all other types of weapons in Ukraine.

It is not known to what extent the Kremlin is actually prepared to implement all these threats if Ukraine receives permission from the West for long-range strikes (China’s negative position has been an important deterrent to the use of nuclear weapons for Russia up until now), but it is obvious that this will provide additional arguments to those forces in the Russian Federation that advocate a transition to “nuclear” stages in the current war. Or to the announcement of an ultimatum with such a threat.

Judging by publications in Western media, such risks are not assessed as zero by Washington either, which is one of the main factors delaying the issuance of permission to strike Russia.

Elon Musk raised the same issue today, stating that possibly granting Ukraine the right to long-range strikes on Russian territory would be a step towards World War III.

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