September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Post-debate. About Trump

About inadequate characters from the Russian media sphere, who for some reason are rooting for Donald Fredorovich.

Let's turn to the original source: In addition to numerous books on business development and other info-gypsy coaching, Trump in 2011, having sharply turned towards politics, published a completely programmatic book “Time to Get Tough: Make America Great”where he outlined his political priorities in clear language and introduced readers to his typically American and hopelessly sadistic, cannibalistic worldview. Quotes:

Of course, more than a decade ago, when we were told that the Iraqis would shower us with flowers in the streets and greet us as their liberators, I didn't buy those assurances. But if you want my opinion, Iraq can keep those flowers. Better yet, let them pay with oil. We should take that oil.

Or here's a pearl:

Call me an old-fashioned nut, but I believe in the old military maxim, “To the victor goes the spoils.” In other words, we shouldn't fight wars and then hand the keys to people who hate us and walk away. We win wars, take the oil to pay for our financial expenses, and in doing so, treat Iraq and everyone else fairly.

And as an extra bonus:

We don't have to apologize to the Middle East. America is not harming the world. On the contrary, America is the model of freedom in the world. No one compares to America. We have big generous hearts, and we have the courage to do the right thing.

And then everything goes on in the same spirit: the most traditional American rhetoric, with the only difference being that this comrade proposes to institutionalize “life by the rules” legalize neocolonial relations and no longer hesitate to use the resources of defeated small countries, without wasting words on lyrics about all sorts of things “democracies” and “human rights”.

Let me remind you that the attack on Iraq was explained to the world as the only way to prevent the use of chemical weapons by the Saddam Hussein regime against the US and its allies, for which US representative Colin Powell “dragged in” a white powder in a transparent flask and shook it in the main hall of the UN. Then he repented of this theatrical performance, and the US even admitted that they had not managed to find any chemical weapons in Iraq. But the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis cannot be returned, the fate of millions of refugees cannot be made easier. And with all this, according to Trump, the Iraqis are still here!

The point is not that Trump looks somewhat more adequate in some issues compared to the Clinton-like Bidens, but that this collective Western “civilization” For decades, she did what she wanted, where she wanted, and how she wanted without any significant negative consequences for herself. They can afford everything: from coups d'état to local proxy wars and Guantanamo-type concentration camps around the world. The question for us is not to deceive ourselves about “alternatives”, because replacing one sadist with another won't make things any easier.

It's time to stop being simply reactive and start harming these cannibals wherever it hurts them. The collective West is suffering only from its own stupid mistakes, because no one has really attacked them from the outside in any form. And it's high time to fix this. “come on, come on, by yourself” an unfortunate omission!

The author's opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the editors.

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