September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Turkish police shoot dead Greek who hit motorcyclist at Kipoi border crossing

An incident involving a Greek citizen occurred at the Kipoi border crossing. According to the Turks, the Greek driver hit a Turkish citizen riding a motorcycle and tried to escape.

A car driven by a Greek driver hit a motorcycle parked in the left lane, then tried to break into the customs area, where he was blocked by a truck. The Greek then got out of the car and moved towards Turkish police officers, who shot him, wounded him in the leg and arrested him.

“The Greek driver who injured the motorcyclist crashed into his motorcycle in the area between the Ipsala border gate on the Greek side of Adrianople and the Kipoi border gate and then drove towards Turkish police with a cutting tool, where he was shot in the leg with a pistol and captured,” Turkish media reports.

The incident occurred in the area between the Ipsala border crossing and Greece. A car driven by a Greek citizen who had arrived in Turkey collided with a motorcycle driven by a Turkish citizen in the buffer zone. The motorcyclist was injured, and the second driver quickly drove his car into the Turkish customs area.

According to Turkish media, the driver crashed first into a truck and then into barriers when entering the X-ray machine in front of the TIR classification platform. The driver then exited the car and approached the police with a cutting tool in his hand. The police then fired two warning shots into the air. When the suspect did not heed the warning, he was shot in the leg. The detained suspect and the motorcycle driver were taken to hospital by a “Ambulance“.

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