September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Old Believers' newborn baby taken away

The Old Believers responded to the prosecutor’s actions regarding their newborn: “We will go to the Areopagus.”

“I can only see the child for a few hours during feeding and nothing more. There is a ruling from the social worker. Even if everything was fine with the child today, I would not be able to take her,” Paleohristiani told LiveNews about the child she gave birth to a few days ago.

Woman gave birth to a child outside the hospitalwhich puts both her own life and the girl's life, who is still in hospital, at risk. The little girl has some health problems. Even if the child is discharged from the hospital, he will be transferred to a medical facility and not given to his family.

«The child is healthy. Today my wife, who saw him up close, blessed him with the sign of the cross. The mother is currently unable to take the child… The prosecutor's decision has not been communicated to us, what do we have to apologize for? My lawyer told me that tomorrow he will take some legal action, write an appeal to the Supreme Court prosecutor, since the hospital cannot refer to the prosecutor's decision, which has not been communicated to us“- the head of the family, the father of the newborn, says angrily.

According to information, according to estimates from social services, the environment in which the family lives is not safe for the child to be thereand his life was in danger because he was born outside the hospital.

«I think she is healthy.“- the mother insists, speaking about her daughter, – wherever they send my little one, I will stand on the street and not leave until they give her to me” At the same time, the father reports that in this case “social actions” are being prepared.

It is worth reminding that the family no longer lives in the improvised “holes” we are familiar with, but in one of the districts of Attica. However, it seems that they live in conditions where a child should not be.

About the Old Believer Family The Athens News wrote in more detail earlier.

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