September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Trolleybus knocks down pole, injuring 14-year-old girl

A girl was injured when a trolleybus line support pole fell in the Nea Filadelfeia area on Wednesday morning (4.9.24).

The incident took place at the intersection of Dekelias and Fokon streets, near the Stadium AEK” Apparently, the cable from a trolleybus passing by this place pulled the support. As a result, the pole fell on the road and injured a girl who was standing at the crossing near the traffic light with her mother.

A New Philadelphia municipal crew was immediately dispatched to the scene to remove the pole from the middle of the road.

Nea Philadelphia Mayor Yiannis Tombouloglou spoke about the incident. According to him, the support supporting the trolleybus cables has rotted and fell, “as if it had been cut off at the root with a knife.” The official explained this by saying that “the poor condition of the column was not visible to the naked eye“.


According to the information I was given, since I was not there, a mother and daughter were at the traffic lights to cross the street. The first vehicle was a trolleybus, and perhaps due to the stress, the pole, which turned out to be rusted through, fell. This is the column that supports the trolleybus cables. The work was done (the stadium was built) two years ago“, – the government representative emphasized.

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