September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

99% of dead fish removed from Pagasitikos Gulf, 270 tons disposed of

The Governor of Thessaly Dimitris Kouretas spoke on the SKAI morning show about the problem of dead fish in Volos.

He said that 99% of the dead fish had been removed from Pagasitikos. The official also noted that 270 tons of dead fish had been burned in accordance with European legislation, while 4-5 tons had been taken to a dump and buried in a safe place (in the municipality of Velestino) after the issuance of an environmental permit. Mr. Kouretas said that in the coming days permission to swim will be issued to all beaches of Volos, noting that the population has no health problems.

Regarding the distribution of responsibilities, he said that “everyone took part in the campaign.” This is the Volos Port Organization, the Volos Municipality, TEOB, the Karla Management Agency.”We all had to deal with this whole situation, with the dead fish, which we did.“, – the official said. At the same time, he reported that in for 12 days warned both the Volos port organization and the municipality about the problem. «All this could have been done much earlier.“, he emphasized.

According to the conclusion of the Volos prosecutor's office, which ordered and completed the preliminary investigation, Lake Karla overflowed due to the spill and tons of freshwater fish ended up in the Pagasitikos Gulf in recent weeks.

By order of the Mayor of Volos, a preliminary investigation was carried out last year (after the flooding of the area), and the conclusion seems to answer the current question: “why were the sluice gates not closed” and tons of fish from the Karla River ended up in the Pagasitikos Gulf. We are talking about a multi-page conclusion, according to which it is prohibited to close the sluice gates. The investigation, which was conducted over the winter months, came to three main conclusions:

  • The waters of Lake Karla are not polluted, judging by the measurements taken.
  • The water quality in the Pagasitikos Gulf has not been affected by the influx of water from Karla.
  • The sluice gate could not be closed because it was necessary to eliminate the flood situation. It is also stated that the opening of the sluice gates occurs in accordance with the rules established by law.

The conclusion was published in early February last year and was even submitted to the Appeals Court of the Larisa Prosecutor's Office. By decision of two independent prosecutors it was decided that in the circumstances that existed at that time there was no problem. This conclusion never came to light until recently, and only recently, on the occasion of the phenomenon dead fishthe public debate over Charles's barge was renewed.

But it could, if it were made public, have prevented the debate that arose at the start of the tourist season, when “voices” spoke without evidence about the pollution of Pagasitikos by the waters of Lake Carla, which led to discrediting the region and creating confusion among citizens about whether they should swim in the Pagasitikos coast, which before the appearance of the dead fish was described as “excellent quality”.

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