September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vegetables and fruits have become more expensive due to likes

While the authorities are playing hide and seek and citing surveys in supermarkets to show that prices are falling, reality belies this.

Eurostat statistics show that inflation in Greece is rising (albeit at a lower rate than before), while in the rest of Europe it is falling. High prices have become a part of everyday life for citizens, who have simply learned to take everything “for granted”. The Mega channel's report on the half-empty street markets of Attica (because licensing has not yet been completed) is typical of the citizens' almost fatalistic attitude towards the phenomenon of inflation.

«Okay, fruits have become a little more expensive, but that's how it is.” is the tired response of a pensioner who seems tired of calculating the rise in prices from year to year.

«Okay, they are fresh, although expensive… With the salaries that people get…“, the woman says without finishing the sentence, summing up in a few words what the statistics repeat: that the purchasing power of Greek households has “hit rock bottom.”

In theory, the public market (likes), as the name suggests, is a haven for the lower classes, as it offers cheaper prices than local fruit shops and competes directly with supermarkets.

Despite this, for low-paid or low-retirement people have high prices for fruits and vegetablesand some products are practically unavailable at all.

Fruit prices at the street market:

  • Peaches/apricots 1.80 €/kg
  • Nectarines 1.90 €/kg
  • Grapes €2-2.50/kg
  • Melon 1 €/kg
  • Watermelon 0.50 €/kg.

Prices for vegetables at the street market:

  • Tomatoes 1-1.30 €/kg
  • Cucumbers 0.90-1.30 €/kg
  • Eggplants 1.50 €/kg
  • Pumpkin 1 €/kg
  • Beans €3.50/kg.

PProducers are preparing for a big price increase from Septemberwhich will become a harbinger very difficult winter. “There will be problems because there is a shortage of products due to the weather conditions that we are experiencing,” says the manufacturer-seller in despair.

The situation is getting more and more difficult and consumers are holding their breath as food costs continue to rise amid inflation figures pointing to a new upward trend.

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