September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Showdown during the wedding ceremony

During the solemn ceremony, the bride accidentally stepped on the groom's foot, and he slapped her. The incident took place in the church, in front of the priest, parishioners and guests invited to the wedding.

The event was picked up by the media and began to be discussed. The bride and some eyewitnesses of the events decided to break the silence and describe what happened. The bride went on air at Mega TV, trying to downplay the significance of what happened, saying that “the groom simply pushed her and took the crown off her head.” Unlike the bride, the witnesses spoke in detail about some unknown aspects of the incidentwhich are expected to provide food for new discussions.

“He didn't hit me. I told the police what happened. He pushed me in the shoulder after I stepped on his foot. It looked like a joke. My husband and I decided to take it that way,” the bride says.

The guests at the wedding and subsequent marriage ceremony preferred to “believe their eyes,” as did the priests, who had to take a temporary break. “The bride stepped on his foot. Then he took off his crown, pushed her in the shoulder and pretended to leave, interrupting the wedding ceremony. When I turned around to see what had happened, I heard indignant cries, and the groom returned to the altar. The ceremony continued,” the wedding host describes.

Despite eyewitnesses claim otherwise, the bride denies that she lost consciousness and that immediately after that a fight broke out in the church and her relatives tried to grab (and detain) her husband as he was leaving the church.

“No, I didn't pass out, I just felt dizzy from the shock and the screams. I sat down on a chair. When my husband came in, he hugged me, and we told the priest that we were going ahead,” says the bride.

As the couple's relatives told the Mega channel, the relationship between the couple was very tense before the wedding. And the day before, there were even rumors that the wedding would be postponed. It is reported that the couple already has a child, and they only now decided to get married. In addition, the young woman, living with her chosen one, had already filed a statement against him with the police for domestic violence.

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