September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Weather: Cold air masses moving towards Greece, bringing rain and thunderstorms

Unstable weather with thunderstorms, hail and lightning is expected in Greece in the coming days.

According to the forecast of Clearchos Marousakis, summer is leaving amid unstable weather, accompanied by rains, storms and gales. Bad weather is expected to hit several regions of the country in the coming hours. The famous meteorologist in his forecast, released today, 26.08 warns of rain, storms and falling air temperaturesThese phenomena will spread to the central and northern parts of the country from midday on Monday 26.08.

The unstable weather that will come to Greece is due to the fact that “warm air from the coast of North Africa begins to move towards Central Europe, where it will collide with colder air masses. Thus, due to the difference in temperatures, the weather instability will be created, which will last all week.”

On August 27, there will be showers, especially in areas of continental Greece, the air temperature will reach 35-37°C, and on Wednesday, August 28, in the southern part of the Ionian Sea, descending cold air masses will meet with ascending, warm ones, which will lead to strong storms in the region.

From Thursday 29.08, thunderstorms with hail, accompanied by intense thunderstorm activity, will occur in most parts of the country. The air temperature will drop to 32-34°C.

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