September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Employment: Graduates find it difficult to find work in Greece

According to Eurostat, Greece ranks third in EU in terms of employment of recent graduates of post-secondary or higher education.

In particular, only 72.3% of young people aged 20–34 who received higher education in the three-year period 2020–2023 found work in 2023.

Greece has the fourth highest unemployment rate among young people under 25 years old – 22.5%.

This percentage is significantly lower than the corresponding figure for the EU as a whole, which is 83.5%. Malta has the highest employment rate for new graduates at 95.8%, followed by the Netherlands at 93.2% and Germany at 91.5%. Along with Greece, the top three countries with the lowest employment rates for new graduates are Italy (only 67.5%) and Romania (74.8%). In 22 of the 27 EU countries, this percentage exceeds 80%.

The employment rate of recent graduates in the EU has increased significantly over the last decade. In 2013, it was 74.3%, an increase of 10% over the last ten years (the growth has been stable, with the exception of 2020, when there was a decline due to the pandemic).

Our country's low indicators are causing concern on the key issue of youth unemployment and the relationship between education and the labour market. According to ELSTATin the first quarter of 2024, 23.5% of young people aged 20-24 and 20.2% of young people aged 25-29 are unemployed. The unemployment rate among graduates of secondary and higher education institutions is 17.1% and 8.3%, respectively.

Compared with other EU countries, Greece has the fourth highest unemployment rate among young people under 25 at 22.5%, behind Spain (25.9%), Sweden (23.9%) and Portugal (22.9%).

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