September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Sparta, traffic was controlled by… an ancient Spartan (video)

Dressed in the garb of an ancient Spartan and armed with a spear and shield, the unusual traffic inspector was directing traffic on the streets of Sparta on Wednesday.

Passers-by and drivers really liked it, they enthusiastically captured the incredible spectacle on video, writes The positive incident took place on Wednesday, August 21, around 18:30, and it is not really known who this “magician” is that has aroused the admiration of the townspeople.

It is unlikely that this was a real traffic police officer, but he behaved confidently and professionally – he took a place in the patrol “cup” and began directing traffic. At the same time, it was clear that these actions gave him pleasure, he beautifully and gracefully showed drivers their way.

It is unknown what prompted the man to become an ancient Spartan, and to play the role of a traffic inspector. In any case, the townspeople clearly liked this original improvisation, which brightened up the gray everyday life.

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