September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Funeral of 19-year-old boy killed in amusement park

With white flowers in their hands and tears in their eyes, relatives and friends bid farewell to 19-year-old Yannis, who died tragically on August 19 in an amusement park in Pefkohori, Chalkidiki.

The funeral ceremony took place at the Church of the Ascension (Ναό Αναλήψεως Παπάγου) in Veria, and the burial took place at the cemetery in Diavata. As a relative of the boy reported in his post on social networks, “the family asked that instead of ordering and bringing wreaths, make a donation to the parish where the funeral service took place.”


After apologies from the 58-year-old business owner and the 21-year-old carousel operator, who was charged with manslaughter, the defendants were released. The prosecutor decided that the case he had been assigned was incomplete and that the preliminary investigation should continue.

Let us recall that the guy was thrown out of the cabin while the “crazy dance” carousel was in operation, as a result of which he seriously hit his head and soon died from his injuries.

The owner of the business and the operator of the ride were arrested for the incident. charged with manslaughter. The authorities are investigating the legality of the business and the carousel. The park is closed until the examination is completed.

It all happened late on Monday, August 19, when the boy decided to ride the “crazy dance” with his brother. According to, the brother later reported to the authorities: “At one point, I felt the seat come off, but a split second later I was pulled back… I fell on my back and suddenly realized that my brother was not next to me. I grabbed the handrail… When the carousel was turning our cabin, the mechanism seemed to break… My brother was thrown out of the seat and hit his head. We screamed when it happened. The carousel was stopped by other visitors to the amusement park.”

In a conversation with ERT, the boy's brother said: “We were at an amusement park and were sitting in seats in a carousel booth. The manager changed our seats. Before the ride started, he told us that he would “do his best” and “now we'll… fly!” The carousel started spinning slowly at first, then it sped up.”

The boy explained that when he felt the seat break, he was only held in place by a handrail, which apparently saved his life, unlike his brother, who was thrown out of the seat, resulting in a fatal injury.

The horror was that the tragedy unfolded before the eyes of the younger brother and their mother, who were in the amusement park.

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