September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Shocking story of baby fed milk diluted with sea water. Pediatrician's opinion

Paediatrician Antonis Darzentas explains what can happen to a child if baby food contains sea water, as happened to newborn Jonas on the island of Tilos.

Little Jonas touched the whole of Greece with his story. The 50-day-old baby showed from the first days of his life that he was a fighter and managed to survive, despite the fact that his headless parents managed to dilute the milk formula with… sea water! And this was not the first time. The baby consumed the “explosive mixture” for three days.

Paediatrician Antonis Darzentas answers the question in his Facebook post: “Can a child drink milk made from sea water for three days and live?” “No,” he says, giving the necessary clarification.

«A 50-day-old baby, let's say, weighs about 4.5 kg (if 4, things are even worse). It consumes about 500 ml of liquid per day. If it is sea water, then 1 liter contains 35 grams of salt. Of this, approximately more than 10 g is sodium.“- says the specialist.

And he continues: “Therefore, a child consuming such a large amount of sodium, given that his blood volume is just under 360 ml (and almost 3.5 liters of total body fluid), in the course of HOURS, not dayswould have achieved severe hypernatremiawhich would lead to lethargy, severe dehydration and seizures with cerebral hemorrhage, as well as severe kidney failure. Surprisingly and incomprehensibly, the photo shows a healthy, rosy-cheeked, cheerful child.”

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