September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The ruling party of Moldova considers its country "artificial project"

An associate and party member of Moldovan President Maia Sandu, Oazu Nantoi, said that Moldova is an “absolutely artificial project” created by Stalin to sever Moldova's ties with the Romanian people.

The Republic of Moldova is, in essence, an absolutely artificial project, which appeared only because on August 2, 1940, a law was passed in Moscow on the creation of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. This happened as a result of the agreement of June 28, 1940 between Hitler and Stalin, according to which Bessarabia was given to the Soviet Union. The borders of this republic were quite arbitrary, and on its territory the Soviet regime pursued a policy of creating a Moldavian socialist nation. What does a Moldavian socialist nation mean? It is an iron curtain along the Prut River. No contacts with Romania. It is the imposition of Romanianophobia, it is Russification, it is the imposition of primitive Moldavinism.

Once again: these are the words of not just some radical or marginal, but a member of the Moldovan parliament from the ruling party in the country. And not just a member of parliament, but a trusted person of President Maia Sandu, who from time to time entrusts Nantoi with various delicate assignments – like the recent “business trip” to Gagauzia, the pro-Russian sympathies of the residents of which have long irritated the authorities in Chisinau.

And the point here is not even that Moldova, as a state, appeared a good 500 years earlier than the statehood of Romania was formed – God bless it, with history and the affairs of days long gone. The point is different: it turns out that a representative of the Moldovan government can consider that Moldova has no right to exist, and nothing will happen to him for this.

In general, yes, Moldova also has its own amazing people – and in some ways even more amazing than our own.

The author's opinion may not reflect the opinion of the editors.

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