September 20, 2024

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MFA of Ukraine about "dirty bomb": “We officially refute these false claims” (video)

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially rejected accusations by the Russian Federation of preparing strikes on the Kursk and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants with charges containing radioactive substances.

They called such information “another surge in crazy Russian propaganda.” Georgy Tikhyi, press secretary of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, stated:

“We officially refute these false allegations. Ukraine has no intention or ability to take any such action. Russia must stop spreading dangerous lies.”

Tykhyy stressed that Ukraine has always been and remains committed to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons:

“We do not have dirty bombs and we do not plan to acquire them. When Russia first spread this nonsense in 2022, we invited an IAEA mission that completely debunked this lie. Nothing has changed since then.”

Information that Ukraine plans to attack nuclear power plants in Kurchatov and Energodar was released the day before published Russian agency RIA Novosti, citing an anonymous source in the security forces. Allegedly, charges with radioactive substances have already been delivered to the settlement of Zhovti Vody in the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine, and the target of the attack will be the storage sites for spent nuclear fuel.

The information was also confirmed by the Russian-controlled “UVD of the military-civil administration” of the Kharkiv region. Allegedly, the planned attack is being supervised by Western intelligence agencies, mainly British, and Kiev intends to blame Moscow for what happened. Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Rodion Miroshnik called on the Ukrainian leadership to take these warnings seriously, so that later “there would be no reason to say that they knew nothing.”

The accusations from Russia came against the backdrop of a successful operations Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region and the mass surrender of Russian soldiers and officers. Similar statements have been made before, according to a similar pattern. This first happened during the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the fall of 2022.

Then an unnamed source of RIA Novosti reported that Kyiv had “completed technical preparations” for the use of a “dirty bomb” by making a dummy Iskander missile with radioactive filling, which was to be shot down by Ukrainian air defense. All this was supposed to happen over the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exclusion zone, and then Kyiv would claim that the missile was launched by Russia, the agency wrote.

Meanwhile, specialists from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) invited by Ukraine No traces of a “dirty bomb” were found in the country.

This summer, the Russian Defense Ministry again accused Ukraine of importing radiochemical substances to create a “dirty bomb.” The ministry claimed that the supplies were being overseen by the head of the presidential office, Andriy Yermak, noting that such weapons could be used “under a false flag.”

A year ago:


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