September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: Stricter controls and fines for electric scooters to be introduced from 12/08

Thessaloniki Municipality Police strictly controls and fines electric scooter users who do not comply with the Traffic Regulations.

Drivers of these two-wheelers often rent them without respecting the speed limit, and they are also used recklessly by two people, with most not wearing protective helmets.

In an effort to bring order to the use of electric scooters and solve problems arising from their improper use, mainly by minors, Local authorities are taking action and consulting with rental companies.

Electric scooters are also used as a means of transport by adults who, they say, are concerned about the behavior of minors who rent them and use them without supervision.

The condition and use of the city's bike paths are also controversial. The faded yellow markings on the promenade, as well as on Stratou Avenue with its bike path, seem to create “traps” for visitors. Streets and sidewalks have become one, with scooters galore. Thessaloniki's municipal authorities have even discussed a ban on the use of electric two-wheelers in the city if the rules are not respected.

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