September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Fine of 400 euros for unauthorized installation of a sign "No PARKING"

The number of cars is increasing, but the number of parking spaces remains the same. Can you “reserve” a space for yourself by hanging a “No Parking” sign and not get a fine?

Some drivers, desperate because they get home very late and all potential parking spaces are already taken, end up are forced to “reserve” parking using various means, unaware that they may run into legal trouble.

Some drivers are looking for alternative ways to secure a coveted parking spot near their home. And they do this either by installing barriers on the road or even by hanging “No Parking” signs, which they buy in specialized stores.

The goal of these drivers is to prevent someone else from parking their car in a specific place (usually in front of a house), but they forget that such tactics are punishable by law.

According to the traffic regulations, temporary or permanent occupation of part of the road surface by structures or obstacles is prohibited, especially if they impede the movement of vehicles, permitted stopping or parking of vehicles on a public road or restrict visibility for persons using the roads.

In the form of exceptions, in extreme cases or in restricted traffic areas (if there is enough space), may be allowed to occupy a section of the road after obtaining permission from municipal or public authorities and with the consent of the competent authorities (traffic police).

The traffic regulations state that the road in front of the house is public and anyone who does not comply with the above provision is subject to punishment in accordance with the K.O.K. with an administrative fine of 400 euros.

The same applies to a person who illegally installed a “No Parking” sign without having the right to do so or without receiving permission from the municipality and traffic police. To obtain such permission, it is necessary to provide an architectural plan of the building, confirm the legality of the request, and receive and approve the permit number from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Otherwise, its installation is illegal.

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