September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Russia is not ready to participate in the Peace Summit-2

The Kremlin commented on the possibility of peace talks and Russia's participation in the peace summit.

Dmitry Peskov, the Russian president's press secretary, said Russia was “open” to talks on ending the war in Ukraine, but did not trust the Ukrainian authorities. There are no preparations for the Peace Summit yet., reports TASS.

According to Peskov, Putin “has repeatedly declared” that Russia is open to negotiations on ending the war in Ukraine. However, in the Kremlin's opinion, the Ukrainian government “cannot be trusted.” The president's press secretary complained that “Russia sees vague talk about the possibility of negotiations, which are not followed by specifics.” Regarding the idea of ​​Russia's participation in the second Peace Summit, Peskov noted that “no summit with Russia's participation is being prepared yet.”

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the majority of countries in the world want Russia to participate in the second Peace Summit, and therefore “Ukraine cannot oppose this initiative.”

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