September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ProNews: “The Collapse of Civilization and Christian Culture in Western Europe”

The presence at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games of transvestites who parodied… Jesus Christ and his disciples at the Last Supper, caused a strong reaction from Christians around the world.

So the Greek portal Prognews described the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris.

Watching the opening of the 2024 Olympics, MEP Marion Maréchal Le Pen, Marine Le Pen’s niece, expressed her anger at the performance. It is difficult to appreciate the few good scenes: the beheaded Marie Antoinette, the kissing couple, the drag queens, the humiliation of the Democratic Guard who are forced to dance with Aya Nakamura, and the general ugliness of the costumes and choreography. It's a desperate attempt to praise the values ​​of sport and the beauty of France against the backdrop of such crude propaganda of the Woke culture”she wrote.

Multi-colored vomit, turkeys! Why did you pass by the Olympics? Unfortunately, instead of Mitsotakis walking out in protest, he applauded like a wet cat wrapped in cellophane!

Marie Antoinette's disembodied head announces the opening of the Olympics

Another show at the Olympics is being discussed on social networks – a mechanical horseman moving along the Seine with the Olympic flag. It is being compared to the “pale horse” described in the Bible. The Book of Revelation says that Death himself rode on this horse, and it was a harbinger of wars on “a fourth part of the earth.”

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