September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Enjoying food can help you maintain your waistline

Scientists at the University of Birmingham have found that savouring every bite of food could help you avoid waist-busting snacks later in the day.

The study involved three groups of participants who were given the same lunch and the same cookie in the afternoon. The focus group subjects were asked to focus as hard as they could on eating.

The first team of participants was asked concentrate on food: think about the appearance, smell, taste and aftertaste of the food and its ingredients, and do not forget about chewing and swallowing. You should eat slowly, paying attention to each swallowed piece. The second group in During lunch they were given a newspaper to read, and the third group ate as usual.

After lunch people asked to remember how and what they ate. And a little later they were offered three different types of cookies. As it turned out, people who behaved like gourmets, firstly, remembered about lunch in all details, and secondly, ate much less cookies, which were given to participants of all three groups in the afternoon.

The researchers' conclusion: there is a connection between memories of lunch and subsequent snacks. Most likely, if you focus on the food you eat, you can control its amount and, accordingly, your weight.

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