September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

New life of a girl doused with acid out of jealousy

Big changes happened in the life of Ioanna Paliospirou 3 years later, after she was attacked by a jealous rival in Kallithea.

Ioanna Paliospirou, with her latest appearances on TV channels, resembles the “Phoenix”, the mythological bird that Herodotus described many times as risen from the ashesThus, after receiving severe burns and a painful recovery period, she seemed to be reborn first morally and then physically.

Ioanna Paliospirou was a girl who loved to travel, meet new places and people around the world. This was also evident from her social media with photos from her trips to Paris, the Netherlands and Poland. Now she is back can travelspreading her “wings” for new adventures. In early October last year, she was with her good friend Anita Nathanael in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

On her Instagram account, she informed her followers about her trip, this time to Vietnam. Her excitement upon arrival there was very high, and as can be seen from the photos she posted, she walked around the city from morning to evening, and, like a true traveler, also tried the local food.

Ioanna Paliospirou: How Her Face Has Changed After a Year and 10 Operations
The Greek TV program showed photos of the first operations, during which the acid completely burned the skin on her face, arm and neck. “It is impossible to look at most of the photos in Ioanna Paliospirou's medical file without shuddering,” Stavros Theodorakis said on the TV show, emphasizing that Most of the shocking images have not been made public.

However, the show showed several photographs from the first operations, where the acid “did its dirty work.”A face without skin, bloody after surgery with a scalpel (to remove all the dead cells). Then there is a picture of a face that has had skin grafts from the thighs transplanted onto it.“, the journalist reports.


The first operations were the most difficult.

Maria Kalfonu, director of the plastic surgery clinic in Triassio, also spoke on the show “Protagonists”. “What happened to Ioanna and what you see, she has gone through it 9 times. 9 major surgeries and this is the 10th. And the previous times, especially the first ones, were much more difficult. (…). Now the patient is much better, but she still has to undergo major surgeries.”

I got to the point where I started thinking about suicide.

Ioanna herself spoke about the first days in the hospital and her attempt to stay alive. When asked if she had ever thought about suicide, she answered honestly and decisively: “Although I am a great fan of life and whenever I hear about someone harming themselves, I get angry and indignant. However, in the hospital I understood what it is like to harm yourself and commit suicide. You see it as a ‘liberation’.”

“I saw myself in the mirror for the first time a few days before I left the hospital. Doctors and psychologists had been pressuring me for days before taking this step. I didn’t want to. I was afraid of what I would face. I couldn’t even see my hands. I avoided it. I was trying to buy time. But the moment had come. I wanted my doctor to be with me. I remember, in the hospital, in the toilet the mirror was closed. I had a chance to look at myself, but I never did. The day came, my doctor came. She brought makeup and started putting it on me. First layer… second layer… She also put gauze on some parts of my face that couldn't be covered with makeup and gave me a round mirror. I look at myself for three seconds, hold my breath and say “ok”. I saw my eyes, my scars, my lips. I accepted myself after a few seconds.”

Ioanna Paliospirou was invited to the TV program by Georgios Liagas, who spoke about how the girl sees herself today. “I used to see myself as just a pretty girl, but now I see a strong woman. As it turns out, I've always been both. Some people used to see only my appearance, but now I don't need to explain anything to anyone about my strength of character, given what I've been through.“Ioanna said, adding that she only had difficulties at first, when she had to leave the hospital and didn't want to look at herself in the mirror.

What Ioanna said about Efi Kakarandzula (acid attacker)

“No victim feels completely justified, even if the perpetrator is sentenced to life imprisonment. (…) I don't feel hatred and anger because I can't afford to waste time on it.I am still undergoing surgeries and treatments and it has taken all my energy. If I had let negative emotions overcome me, my situation would not be as good. For me, forgiveness is not thinking about it, I don’t want to determine another person’s life“For me, forgiveness is not walking around with negative emotions. Maybe when I feel healthy, I will think about it,” said Joanna.

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