September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Toyota Explodes in Moscow Parking Lot, Driver Seriously Injured

A Land Cruiser was blown up in Moscow. The driver survived, but was seriously injured, his feet were torn off. Eyewitnesses say that the car presumably belongs to a Russian soldier who fought in Ukraine.

Earlier, the name of the deputy head of the 89th satellite communications radio center of the Russian Armed Forces Andrei Torgashov was mentioned, but then it turned out that we are talking about his full namesake. Deputy head of the radio center Torgashov stated RT, which has nothing to do with the emergency. He says he found out about what happened when he was at work, he didn't have a Land Cruiser, and he doesn't live in that area.

The Russian Interior Ministry reports an explosion of an unidentified object: “The explosion was very strong. The man's feet were torn off, he was burned, he was lying there completely black,” says an eyewitness.

His wife was thrown back and cut by shrapnel. The victim's wife told Russian media that he was also related to the security forces, and after the explosion he told an eyewitness that he had fought in Ukraine. He has already undergone surgery.

Footage has emerged of a suspect in the installation of explosives in a car in Moscow. In the video, the man walks around the yard for a long time (as the publics write, 11 minutes) and spends a particularly long time messing around in the area of ​​the children's playground. Presumably, he could have installed a camera there to remotely detonate explosives. They write that he had already planted the explosives by that time.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has confirmed that the identity of the suspect in the car bombing in Moscow has been established. The car in which he arrived at the crime scene has also been found and is being examined by investigators.

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