September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Free housing for beneficiaries aged 25-39

The Athens Municipality is launching a housing program for beneficiaries aged 25-39, who will be housed in empty apartments.

The program “Kalψη”, aimed at vulnerable groups of the population (and large families), will officially start in the Municipality of Athens in the near future. The goal of the program is Providing free housing to 1,000 families across the country with a budget of 21,500,000 euros.

Owners are invited to include their properties in the program in exchange for three years' rent from the state. at the same level as the “Estia” (“Εστία”) program. It is worth noting that, as stated in the article in the newspaper “Apoevmatini”, 380 families from all over the country have already entered the new program.

The Coverage program applies to real estate available to beneficiaries aged 25 to 39 who receive a minimum guaranteed income of GUARDIANSHIP and do not have their own home. The program will be implemented in a total of 44 municipalities in the country under the management of OPECA on behalf of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family. In particular, beneficiaries of the minimum guaranteed income are granted additional points. The program concerns:

  • Large families, families with three children, people with disabilities more than 67%
  • Households evicted from rental housing
  • Single-parent families, households with one or two children
  • Unemployed registered in DYPA
  • Women victims of domestic violence accommodated in hostels (with or without children)
  • Individuals or families receiving a guaranteed minimum income.

The costs of financing the programme are covered by the DYPA budget and the Ministry of Social Cohesion, which takes on the payment of a small rent for three years, plus moving costs and DEKO bills.

Owners of houses located within the administrative boundaries of the municipality can submit their applications for joining the program by providing empty apartments. The application can be submitted either in paper form to the Office of Protocol, Processing and Archives of the Municipality of Athens, or electronically by e-mail: The email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled in your browser to view it. until Monday, September 30, 2024. It is noted that the invitation is addressed to all owners whose properties are already included in the Estia II and Estia 2021 programs.

Rental contracts have already been signed for 184 residential properties (apartments and houses), and the number of beneficiaries currently stands at 380, of which 151 are children, 29 with a disability of 67% and above. Also included in the program are two women who previously lived in hostels for women victims of violence. As for the Municipality of Athens, 72 properties are part of the program to accommodate a total of 44 families and 73 beneficiaries.

Selecting a property
Beneficiaries, after their personal application has been approved (and after careful consideration by the competent authorities), are placed on a priority list based on the points they have scored. Municipalities then offer beneficiaries a choice of available homes that suit their needs, depending on the composition of the household and preferences for place of residence (in relation to the area of ​​the municipality where the provided real estate objects included in this program are located).

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