September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mother-in-law's revenge in style "revenge porn"

A 52-year-old resident of Corfu has filed a lawsuit against his ex-wife and mother-in-law for “revenge porn,” he told a Greek publication.

As writes, an incredible story of a man with his “exes” is unfolding in Corfu. It seems like they are all adults, but nevertheless, as they say, they poured “dirt” on the World Wide Web.

In particular, the man filed a lawsuit against his ex-mother-in-law and ex-wife. According to available information, the man received a message on Viber from his 62-year-old ex-mother-in-law, who demanded that he pay her the money she owed him.

And when he didn't respond, she sent him a video and seven photos of him in intimate moments with his current partner and threatened to post everything on the Internet. According to the victim, the material (photos) were taken from Messenger messages and had been stolen earlier by his ex-wife.

The story hit the Internet and spread “around the world” without ending there.

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