September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Nutritional Features During Hot Weather (Video)

Experts recommend what is best to eat during hot weather, and what foods should be avoided.

It's the height of summer and, traditionally for Greece, one heat wave with record temperatures is followed by another. How and what to eat when the mercury column of the thermometer literally “goes off the scale”? Proper nutrition, experts emphasize, will allow you to feel better and ensure the normal functioning of the entire body.

First of all It is necessary to drink enough liquid – in hot conditions, the human body loses more of it due to increased sweating and increased breathing rate. To avoid dehydration and to improve thermoregulation, it is important to drink it even if you don't feel thirsty.

Avoid sugary soft drinks and alcohol – they can contribute to dehydration due to their diuretic effect and “masking” of thirst.”

Regarding nutrition, experts say that you should choose light foods with a rich liquid content that are easy to digest and will not overload the digestive system. You should avoid fatty foods, because under certain conditions, their consumption can increase the risk of heat stroke.

It is recommended not to eat dishes with excessive amounts of spices – red and black pepper, ginger, garlic:

“Their consumption increases body temperature and sweating, which significantly increases the risk of overheating during hot weather.”

Better instead give preference to vegetables, fruits, salads, low-fat protein dishesThis will help to “cool” the body and avoid dehydration. During the day you should eat small portions and often. – this way you won’t overload your digestive system, and it will be easier for your body to cope with them.

Experts advise reducing the consumption of salt and processed foods – meat sausages, canned goods, bakery products:

“Too much salt can contribute to fluid retention and disruption of the water-salt balance, which is difficult for the body to maintain during hot weather.”

And a bit of strange advice, but only at first glance: You should avoid ice cream and frozen juice. These are high-calorie foods that give us energy, and therefore warmth. You may feel the cooling from them, but it will be short-term:

“The rapid cooling caused by cold food and drinks leads to an excessive compensatory increase in core temperature. Consequently, after a serving of ice cream, you may be even less able to tolerate heat.”

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