July 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In which part of Greece are residents more likely to suffer from cancer and strokes recorded?

Shocking are the results of a new study conducted by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Thessaly on liver cancer and strokes. In Magnesia, there has been an “explosion” in the incidence of the disease compared to the rest of Greece.

In fact, there are three times more cases of liver cancer than in the rest of Greece, and four times more cases of stroke. The results of the study, carried out in collaboration with the University of Thessaly, the Region of Thessaly, the Medical Association of Magnesia and the General Hospital of Volos, are presented at a thematic conference. According to the data, Magnesia recorded 45% more deaths from esophageal malignancies, with the municipality of Volos alone having 14% more deaths from malignancies than the rest of Greece. Women are at the same level as the rest of the country in terms of incidence of esophageal neoplasms.

Mortality from malignant neoplasms of the pulmonary system among the male population of Magnesia also increased by 24%, while areas with increased incidence of brain cancer, such as Makrinitsa, were recorded. From other malignant neoplasms in Magnesia, there are 21% more deaths among men and 26% among women.

In the Nea Ionias region, compared to the rest of Greece, there are more deaths from digestive system cancer in women and to a lesser extent in men. In the municipality of Fera, mortality from genitourinary malignancies has decreased by 34%.

Over the past 17 years in Magnesia, the incidence of malignant liver tumors has doubled in men and 3.5 times in women. The increase has been recorded since 2008, while in Magnesia, with an indicator of 10%, more people died from other malignant neoplasms than in the rest of the country.

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