July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How Kasselakis Managed to Turn Everyone in Syriza Against Him

One big question dominates left-wing circles: how did Stefanos Kasselakis manage to turn everyone in SYRIZA against him?

The editor of ProNews, Theophrastos Andreopoulos, attempted to answer this question. The truth is that Stefanos Kasselakis has made a number of mistakes that show that he is not fit to be a politician and a leader not only of this party but of any Greek party in general. How he managed to do this needs to be analyzed.

First of all, he has absolutely no understanding of foreign policy, since, on the one hand, he tries to present the “patriotic” face of SYRIZA, and in the end he refers to the Peloponnesian state, thereby “legitimizing” it. The words of the President of SYRIZA come to mindsaid by him in September 2023:

“It is unacceptable that Mr Mitsotakis has not responded to Erdogan's challenge to recognize the other half of Cyprus, the north, as his state in Cyprus instead of responding on the spot…”, “…. pseudo-states” (immediately after that he corrected himself).

We can say that this was a slip of the tongue, which is partly true. But it is also true that since he does not understand such things, that is why he missed these phrases.

He wants to appeal to the economy, the middle class and the popular strata, which have suffered untold impoverishment in recent years, but his status “golden boy” automatically nullifies the entire platform he wants to present to the left and the radical left audience. After all, in Greece it is difficult to forget that the country was destroyed and dragged into a memorandum because of people like him – “golden boys”.

This characteristic of Kasselakis, as well as his relationship with Tyler, is not of great interest to Syriza, but a significant part of the party does not accept it and does not like the excessive publicity of their joint sex life. He also over-promotes his wealth and the comfort of his life, as well as his “trips” to Spetses and New York, which is unthinkable for a leader of the left and irritates potential voters who find it difficult to travel even to… Lianoklady.

He mentions that he voted for Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the past! Isn't this incredibly naive (to put it mildly) for a man who wants to lead a party and defeat… Kyriakos Mitsotakis? Even if this is true, why does he mention and talk about it? Rather, he conveys to citizens the image of a “secret” admirer of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who has the syndrome “I want to be a caliph instead of a caliph”as the vizier Iznogoud wisely said in the famous comic book of the same name by Uderzo-Gosini).

He insists on speaking Greek, which is actually a translation of English thoughts. That is, he first thinks in English, and then, using exactly the same syntax over and over again, he expresses the content in Greek. This is exactly what Georgios Papandreou, the former prime minister who tied the country “hand and foot,” did. memoranda of understanding. For the Greek voter, this association is extremely negative.

He took up arms against Alexis Tsiprasa person who, in essence, “paved to him the road” to the presidency of SYRIZA, leaving serious suspicions that he was the recipient “black money”! Of course, this statement is laughable because everyone knows that SYRIZA received “black money”. Other partiessuch as New Democracy and PASOK, would not even exist if there were no “black money”. Certainly he refused your wordsbut it was already too late, and it can be said that with this statement he lost all the support he had left.

Even Closure of the newspaper “Avgi” was not in his favor. Everyone knows that this newspaper was read by… 50 people, but this does not mean that its existence was not identified with the existence of the party.

It also cost him communication with the notorious “behind the scenes.” He asked, and quite rightly, to justify the “behind-the-scenes” behavior of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. It turned out, however, that he had a closet full of skeletons of his own.

What he managed to “present” to the general public is that two people with incredibly high incomes, lots of real estate and a very rich lifestyle asking people who can't make ends meet, eat poorly, don't have money for health and themselves, cannot offer prospects to their children – vote for them and believe that they will offer them a comfortable and good life!

But it is known from life that a person who has never suffered, who has not been bothered or brought out of “nirvana” by any serious problem, cannot understand the pain of those who suffer, and certainly does not know in what ways they can be cured of what makes them suffer. Above all, he has failed to convince people of what his policies will be in the coming days and how he will implement them.

In short, he shows that he does not have a specific plan of action based on logical rules. However, besides all this, the main reason why Stefanos Kasselakis is no longer needed is the results of the European elections. Faced with a faltering New Democracy losing 1 million votes, instead of taking advantage of the situation and benefiting from it, he managed to lose 400,000 votes!

After all, if it brought a good result, then, as everyone knows, the prospect of power is best moment for rehabilitation of SYRIZA. It's no secret that all politicians are drawn to each other, regardless of whether they like, dislike, or hate each other. This was made clear today by Yannis Ragoussis, who stated that Stefanos Kasselakis is responsible for the outcome of the European elections.

If Mr Kasselakis had voiced his real political convictions before being elected, for example that NATO is an alliance, that the “Course for Freedom” is good and we can work together, or had shown his understanding of politics, he would not have been elected,”– Ragusis said in an interview with ANT1. He also said that those who voted for Kasselakis did not know his position and pointedly remarked: “Now he won’t get even half the votes if he comes to the polls again.”

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