July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The Ministry of Finance is studying the possibility of encouraging taxpayers in the amount of 2% to 4%

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The leadership of the Ministry of Finance is considering the possibility taxpayer incentiveswhich Christos Dimos spoke about in parliament.

The Deputy Finance Minister responsible for tax issues, responding to a pressing question from independent MP Michalis Hourdakis, said that “the ministry is considering the possibility of introducing incentives next year so that the taxpayer who files his tax return on time and pays the tax due in one lump sum will have additional financial benefits.” The plan being studied by the Treasury Department and DFAE reportedly includes a tax credit for:

  • 4% if the declaration is submitted 3 months before the end of the term, the tax is paid in one go and on time
  • 3% if the procedure is carried out 2 months before the expiration date.
  • 2% if submitted and paid in the month of expiration of the term.

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