July 2, 2024

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What subjective conclusions can be drawn after the debate between Biden and Trump

The main news, starting in the early morning of June 28, revolves around the debate that took place in Atlanta between two American supergrandfathers – Biden and Trump. Five months are short of their combined age of 160 years.

We looked at the past debate completely and our opinion is this:

  • Firstlyit is striking that both participants behaved absolutely not as befits presidential candidates. Of course, the US loves a show, but Trump and Biden went a bit overboard with insults. In fact, the debate between them strongly resembled a school decision on an important question: “Who is the loser here? You are the loser!”
  • Secondly, Both candidates managed not to bury themselves. Biden did not fall asleep on air, looked much more alive than when riding a bike and trying to climb the steps of an airplane. At the same time, he clearly tried – he did not fall, did not greet the dead. Of course, there were some memories of the “son who died in Iraq”, but the American voter has already gotten used to this. In a word, Biden worsened the impression of himself, but not as much as expected. Trump behaved exactly as expected. That is, as a clot of hatred, who is ready to incinerate his opponent, he will harass him as much as possible, interrupt him and consider him underdeveloped. That is, he did not demonstrate anything special either and did not worsen the impression of himself either – he is what he was, so he remains.
  • Thirdthe candidates looked very different in appearance:
    • Biden looked and sounded old, with a raspy voice. By the way, Twitter immediately turned on the anti-crisis, and began spreading posts that Biden had a cold;
    • Trump sounded and looked like a healthy and confident person.

Of course, we are concerned about the issue of Ukraine. Here the main points sounded like this:

  • Trump began answering a question about Ukraine, explaining that the US military hates Biden. He began to say that Putin would not have dared to attack Ukraine if Trump had been president.
  • The terms of Putin's peace plan are unacceptable to Trump, but he does not want to give money to Zelensky.
  • Trump again said he would resolve the conflict in Ukraine before he entered office.
  • Biden again downloaded that “Putin is a war criminal” and that Putin wants to revive the Soviet Union.
  • Trump said, “We are separated by an ocean, why should we send so much money to Ukraine?” Biden responded, “Well, Japan and South Korea support Ukraine, what does geography have to do with it, they understand that it is strategically important.”
  • Trump spoke about Putin, who dreamed of attacking Ukraine. Biden tried to seize on this, like, do you hear? Dreamed! Trump quickly stopped this: he dreamed, but would not dare, and under Biden the United States is weak, so Russia went to Ukraine.

Trump takes advantage of strategic uncertainty: without a real plan, he simply vaguely promises mountains of gold☝? Well, and it is clearly visible that the presenters quickly ended the Ukrainian topic when Trump began to push how much the US spent on Ukraine.

In conclusion, we have the impression that the Democratic Party has only two options – either go all the way with Biden and definitely lose the election, or urgently change the candidate. Moreover, behind the scenes of the Democratic Party it takes a maximum of 2-3 weeks to decide on changing the candidate, in order to have time to pump up the new candidate with information before the congress on August 19-22.

By results of the debates 67% of viewers said Trump won them, according to the CNN poll that conducted them. Only 33% of respondents believe that they ended in Biden’s victory. Moreover, before the debate, 55% expected Trump to perform better than his opponent. That is, he turned out to be more convincing than the audience expected. Media close to the Democrats are also very critical of the debate results for Biden.

We will carefully monitor the reaction of the “democratic” media. Much will become clearer here today or tomorrow, and it is quite possible that the Democrats will change their candidate.

Will Biden be removed from the election race and replaced with a new candidate?
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What subjective conclusions can be drawn after the debate between Biden and Trump

What subjective conclusions can be drawn after the debate between Biden and Trump

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