July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine on prisoner exchange

Russia and Ukraine held direct talks, mediated by the United Arab Emirates, in the latest prisoner exchange.

Representatives of the ombudsmen of the two countries interviewed the released prisoners of war. In the negotiations mediated by the UAE, as reported In his Telegram channel, Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmitry Lubinets on June 26, representatives of the Russian Commissioner for Human Rights took part for the first time.

He noted that representatives of the Ukrainian and Russian ombudsmen interviewed the released prisoners from both sides. Lubinets specified that the negotiations took place at the initiative of Ukraine, which Russia “supported for the first time.”

Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova confirmed fact of negotiations, saying that during them the parties “exchanged information on possible options for the mutual return of civilians who are currently in places of forced detention.”

Recall that Russia and Ukraine exchanged prisoners, releasing 90 people each. Before that, the last major exchange took place in February. Then, the parties released a hundred people each. Since the beginning of the war in February 2022, the parties have already exchanged hundreds of prisoners. They also hand over the bodies of dead soldiers to each other.

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