July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukrainian Armed Forces bomb Russian territory for the first time with French guided bombs

For the first time, Ukrainians bombed the Russian Belgorod region with French AASM-250 Hammer guided bombs.

Footage has emerged showing a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter launching AASM-250 Hammer guided bombs, which Kyiv supplies from France. The incident occurred near the Nekhoteevka border crossing.

A Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet strikes Russian positions, performing a maneuver before and after dropping bombs. In particular, the fighter climbs very sharply, performing a vertical climb before releasing AASM 250 Hammer guided bombs towards the target, and then performing an inverted flight and rapid descent with full use of the afterburning engines, while simultaneously releasing thermal rockets.

The bombs appear to have hit their target, but missiles fired at the fighter, presumably from a BUK-M3 system, appear to have missed their target, as their contrails indicate they are heading in a completely different direction from the fighter's position . However, there is a version that this bombing was staged.

A Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet drops French AASM-250 Hammer precision bombs on Russian positions in the Belgorod region. The MiG-29 flies at low altitude, performs a bombing slide, and then performs an anti-missile maneuver.

About the AASM bomb. AASM technology (from the French “Armement Air-Sol Modulaire” – “modular air-to-ground weapons”) HAMMER (abbreviation for “Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range” or “Highly maneuverable modular munition of extended range”, translated from English this word means “hammer”) developed by the French company Safran 15 years ago. However, in subsequent years it underwent some modifications and improvements.

The AASM Hammer is a precision hybrid equipped with a kit that allows for increased range and accuracy. The AASM Hammer long-range bomb is 3 meters long and weighs 330 kg. It is worth noting that its range is more than 60 km (some experts say about 70 km) at high altitudes and 15-20 km at low altitudes. And in any weather. Autonomous and impervious to obstacles, this weapon system can be launched from low altitudes over rough terrain.

This hybrid bomb and missile works on the principle “fire and forget”, that is, the missile independently maneuvers to the target determined by the gunner, without the participation of the aircraft pilot. It is capable of hitting multiple targets simultaneously. Besides can destroy stationary and moving targets with high accuracy.

The AASM Hammer is maintenance free, highly efficient and relatively low cost. The French manufacturer claims that this bomb is 99% effective.

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