July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

36% versus 24% – the percentage of smokers in Greece is higher than the EU average

The latest Eurobarometer study, which examined European attitudes towards tobacco and related products, shows that Greece has a higher than average percentage of smokers in EU.

During the study, 1007 Greeks were surveyed. Of them 36% said they smoke – traditional cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos or pipes. In the EU this figure averages 24%.

Among smokers, 40% are men (in the EU 28%) and 32% are women (in the EU the average is 21%).

Most smokers in Greece are in the age group from 40 to 54 years old – 46%, compared to the EU average of 28%.

Almost the same data in the age group from 15 to 25 years old, but Greece is the leader here too: smokers in this group make up 25%, and the EU average is 22%. Of respondents over 55, 28% said they smoked, compared with 19% in the European Union.

The survey asked respondents whether they had ever had difficulty paying bills because of their smoking habit. 38% of Greeks answered “most of the time,” which is in line with the EU average.

Of Greeks who currently smoke, 59% said they smoke packs of cigarettes “every day.” This is 10% lower than the EU average. 32% said they smoke hand-rolled cigarettes “every day” – almost double the EU average. Another 2% smoke cigarillos “every day”, which is twice the EU average. writes GreekReporter.

None of those surveyed in Greece reported smoking a cigar, pipe or hookah, or using chewing tobacco. Just 2% said they smoked e-cigarettes, lower than the EU average of 3%.

Regarding the ban of certain types of tobacco and e-cigarettes: 64% of Greek citizens support a ban on e-cigarettes or heated tobacco products in places where smoking is prohibited. A further 45% of Greeks favor a ban on smoking outdoors where social distancing cannot be guaranteed.

In Cyprus, according to a survey of 504 people, 29% said they smoked tobacco products. This is 5% higher than the EU average. The demographics of smokers in Cyprus are closer to the EU average than in Greece.

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