September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Terrorist attacks in two cities of Dagestan, an attack on a synagogue and a church, there were deaths (added)

In Makhachkala, unknown persons attacked a traffic police post. In Derbent, armed militants fired at a synagogue and a church: police officers were killed, the priest’s throat was cut, according to eyewitnesses, and a church guard was killed.

On Sunday, June 23, militants armed with machine guns fired at (video) Orthodox church and synagogue in the city of Derbent in southern Russia, reports Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Dagestan. They attacked the Orthodox Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Lenin Street and the Kele-Numaz Synagogue on Tagi-Zade Street. The suspects fled the scene of the shooting in a white Volkswagen car. writes D.W.

Later information appeared that two terrorists liquidateds (video). Two militants who attacked a church and synagogue in Dagestan have been killed, the Russian National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAK) said. At 20.30 Moscow time, shooting resumed in Derbent, the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. In a church in Makhachkala held hostage There are approximately 40 people waiting for help. A fire started in the synagogue as a result of the attack, Interfax was told by the press service of the city administration. Video of a burning synagogue published in telegram channels.

Soon the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported a second attack in another city in Dagestan: unknown persons fired at a traffic police post in Makhachkala. According to the Telegram channel “112”, which is close to the security forces, as a result of the two attacks, 5 people were killed and another 23 were injured. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under the article “Terrorist Act”. In both cities where the attacks took place, the “Interception” plan was announced, writes Air Force.

According to the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs, six police officers died in a shootout with the attackers, and another 12 were injured.

“Crimean Wind” reports: “As the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan said, at 18:00 in the evening, unknown persons fired at the church and synagogue with automatic weapons, and also shot at police cars. One policeman was killed, another was wounded. One of the victims of the attackers in Derbent was an Orthodox Christian priest, his throat was cut, the head of the Public Chamber of Dagestan reported in his telegram channel Shamil Khadulaev. According to him, the deceased father Nikolay was rector of the Orthodox Church in Derbent. He noted that a church security guard named Michaelwho was armed only with a gas pistol.”

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