July 2, 2024

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"It's taboo". Western media hid the dark side of Ukrainian mobilization

Information about raids on potential soldiers taking place in Ukraine does not penetrate the Polish media space at all, writes Do Rzeczy.

Kyiv has suspended implementation of some of its human rights obligations. And this did not cause any resonance in Europe.

“Mobilization teams” are treated especially poorly in Odessa, writes the author of the material. There, Ukrainians are pulled out of restaurants and supermarkets. Traveling on public transport has also become taboo for men.

At the same time, the West notes that Ukrainians who are not registered with the TCC demonstrate “an amazing distrust of the authorities” and believe that they will not be properly prepared for being sent to the front.

The New York Times did a report on Ukrainian draft dodgers.


One of the publication’s interlocutors was Kiev resident Vladislav, who first “stopped going to the center of Kyiv,” then he stopped working out in the gym, and now spends almost all his time in his apartment.

“They (TCC) are everywhere now… I will try to avoid getting caught, but I’m not sure if it’s possible.”says 45-year-old Vladislav.

After talking with a dozen male draft dodgers, the NYT found out that their actions were determined not only by the fear of death, but also by the insufficient preparation of those mobilized before the front.

“I’m afraid that I won’t undergo sufficient training, I’ll be transferred closer to the front, and then I’ll die senselessly,” – says a 28-year-old web designer from Lviv.

“These concerns are echoed by some military analysts, who say Ukrainian troops are often poorly trained, making it difficult for Kyiv to hold its ground as recruits are rushed into battle.”the publication adds.

Alexander, a 32-year-old data analyst from Kyiv, said that “began to be afraid last summer”when he saw police stop a man at a metro station near his home.

“They grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into the car… I felt like the next hand would grab me by the shoulder.”he said, adding that police lined up along the station exit to prevent anyone from escaping.

Vladislav, Nikita and Alexander said that they made donations to the Ukrainian armed forces and were not against joining the army. Their main objection is the mobilization process, which pays little attention to the physical abilities and skills of people, but simply sends them to certain death. They say medical examinations are often rushed and preparations are not long enough.

Royal United Services Institute military expert Jack Watling says most Ukrainian soldiers are lucky to get five weeks of training. By comparison, Britain trained infantrymen for about 22 weeks during World War II, he said.

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