September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The current government reshuffle was of medium intensity and not intended to signal a change in policybut simply sent to replace some personswhich called irritation or negative feelings in Greek society.

Takis Theodorikakos has been appointed to the Ministry of Development and will take the place of Kostas Skrekas, who, as it turned out, failed. Who can forget the unlikely claims about the Easter lambs that “if they are heavier, they will be more expensive”to justify to the Greek citizens why they could not “fill in” your Easter table.

But the problem in this ministry is “cartels” who set prices among themselves and try to keep them at a high level. In fact, many of them are supporters of the government, and all that implies. We do not think that changing the minister will change the situation, especially as regards the supermarket cartel, which makes the most profit, since no one can live without food.

Adonis Georgiadis remained in office

Known for his harsh and often controversial stupid statements, Adonis Georgiadis will continue to hold the post of Minister of Health, since, apparently, he has not yet fully played out his role in the extremely unpopular reforms of medicine. Given his well-spoken tongue and, to a certain extent, unsinkability, Kyriakos Mitsotakis usually places him in positions where it is necessary to carry out unpopular and even scandalous reforms (for example, the so-called evening operations).

Many supermarket owners have close relationships with Megaro-Maximo

Regarding the demotion of Nika Kerameos, who was transferred to the Ministry of Labor, she “harmed” Maximum by the Anna Michelle Asimakopoulou email scandal and the fact that due to poor organization applied by her ministry, about 30,000 absentee ballots were canceled! In the postal votes, the ND's dominance was so great that only through canceled votes could it have won another seat in the European Parliament!

ND received 40.17% of votes in postal voting

The fact that Kerameos remained in the government and even transferred to another ministry was a great success.

Domna Mikhailidou was removed from the Ministry of Labor because her choice for this position was unsuccessful, which was caused by pressure from influential circles that supported her. But now the government is in conflict with these circles, so her stay in the ministry has become impossible.

Almost the same applies to Lefteris Avgenakis, who left the Ministry of Rural Development and was replaced by Kostas Tsiaras.

The high cost of products was decisive

Georgios Floridas, on the other hand, remained in the Ministry of Justice because, despite his many enemies, he produced work and it showed.

The surprise for the first reading is the presence of Vassilis Kikilias in the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, but in reality everything is different, since he is “waited” to be “blamed” for the disasters of this summer. And there is one more mistake for which he is held responsible, and we will talk about it in our next post.

As for Dimitris Kairidis, his dismissal from the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum was an easy decision, since during his years the country was literally “flooded” illegal immigrants. He was replaced by Nikos Panagiotopoulos, the former Minister of Defense, who would be given the opportunity to prove his worth, since at that time he was under the effective leadership and subordination of the General of the Armed Forces K. Floros, with whom he had poor relations.

N. Dendias and K. Pierrakakis are considered the most successful ministers in polls and were not expected to be moved. Some rumors that N. Dendias is moving to Brussels for the post of European Commissioner are untrue, in addition, the candidacy of Stavros Papastavrou is considered more likely.

Also interesting is the appointment of Stefanos Gikas, who is a former navy officer, as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Shipping.

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