July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Shootout between Kurds in Piraeus. One person died

One person was killed and one was injured in a shooting in Piraeus. The incident, involving a clash between Turkish Kurds, took place at 5:20 pm on the popular Akti Moutsopoulou street inside a supermarket and not on the street as initially reported by police.

Innocent people may have paid with their lives in a Kurdish attack on his compatriots on Friday afternoon in Piraeus that left one person dead.

Initially, two Kurds entered the supermarket and stood at the grocery section, which was located at the entrance. A compatriot followed them from behind, entered the store and began shooting at them. Fortunately there were no casualties. One of the victims also took out a pistol, but did not have time to use it and fell dead, and the second, who was with him, was wounded.

There was panic at the scene. The assailant fled and was spotted by a SWAT patrol vehicle half a mile away, where he fled at the sight of officers, but did not use his weapon against them until they stopped him and arrested him.

The victim was taken to Tzaneyo Hospital, the criminal was taken to the security service, where he was interrogated, and another man was arrested near the supermarket – a Turk who told the police that he knew all three participants in the crime. He is taken to security to testify. This incident has all the hallmarks of a score-settling incident and Security is investigating the motive and whether the victims and perpetrator have ever had previous dealings with the authorities.

There have already been similar incidents between Kurds in Pasalimani related to drug trafficking in the area, and this is one of the possibilities being considered.

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