September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Testimony of the killer of an 11-year-old girl in Pyrgos published

“I took her to the field and killed her with a screwdriver,” – with these shocking words, the 37-year-old uncle confessed to the police officers of the murder of his 11-year-old niece Vasiliki in Pyrgos Ilia.

Although the criminal admitted to his monstrous act, despite persistent questions from the police, he did not name the motive that prompted him to kill the girl. According to the conclusion of a forensic examination of the girl’s body, Vasiliki was killed with a screwdriver. An examination showed that the killer pierced the girl’s spleen and heart with a screwdriver. However, no traces of sexual violence against the girl were found.

She told him: “I'll tell my parents”, after which he caught up with her and killed her. The suspect allegedly admitted to police that he wanted to have sex with the minor, she refused, and when she said she would tell her parents, he attacked her with a screwdriver and killed her, causing injuries to her chest and back. “I offered to have sexual intercourse. She refused. She said she would tell her parents, and I killed her with a screwdriver that I had in the car.” – he allegedly stated.

Sources in the know said the child suffered injuries to his arms while defending himself. Thus, we can conclude that the man attacked the girl, and she tried to defend herself in all possible ways, but, unfortunately, to no avail. After the murder, the man dragged her body and threw it into the reeds.


The killer is described as arrogant and cynical, with a “heavy” criminal past. UThe killer of a girl in Pyrgos in 2017 was arrested on charges of raping a 14-year-old girl who is Vasiliki’s father’s first cousin. It is reported that the President of the Supreme Court, Ioanna Clapa, has demanded a disciplinary investigation against the judges of the mixed jury court of Zakynthos, who suspended the criminal's sentence.

In 2020, according to currently available information, he was convicted by the Zakynthos court in the first instance, but it request for a stay of execution was granted pending a hearing in the Court of Appeal. He was therefore released with restrictive conditions, which included an obligation to report to the local police station.

Having received a suspended sentence, the killer never went to jail. The law at the time allowed him to remain on probation, but if he were tried today he would end up in prison.

Athens News previously reportedthat the President of the Supreme Court of Greece immediately demanded a review disciplinary commission regarding activities all three judges who served on the court.

Vasiliki's family reportedly went to visit the best man on Sunday evening. During the visit, the girl told him: “Your car, uncle, is very dirty, it needs to be washed, if you want, I will wash it.”

After the murder, the man returned to his home, where he lived with his six childrenas if nothing had happened, and in the morning he staged a “performance”, calming the parents, and published a message in AMBER ALERT about the disappearance of the little girl.

In 2020, according to currently available information, he was convicted by the Zakynthos court in the first instance, but it request for a stay of execution was granted pending a hearing in the Court of Appeal. He was therefore released with restrictive conditions, which included an obligation to report to the local police station.

Having received a suspended sentence, the killer never went to jail. The law at the time allowed him to remain on probation, but if he were tried today he would end up in prison.

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