October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

These strange, strange parties… Even "Two-Tailed Dog Party"

The strange names of the parties running for the European Parliament cause a slight shock… Among them, for example, there are even “aliens” and “evil chickens”.

Not only the names are original, but also the promises. The main demand of the “Two-Tailed Dog Party” is free beer at the expense of the state, and the “Empty Places” party promises to dissolve itself if it wins, tells BILD.

On June 6, elections to the European Parliament began in 27 countries of the European Union: approximately 400 million voters will choose 720 deputies. In Germany, polling stations opened on June 9. German citizens will choose from 35 parties. There are also several “strange” parties in other countries. BILD has highlighted the most surprising of them:

“Party for biomedical research in the field of rejuvenation” founded in Germany in 2015. She promises to fight aging, increase life expectancy and… defeat death.

“Part of the Two-Tailed Dog” founded in Hungary in 2014. Makes absurd statements, parodying traditional politics. The main requirement is free beer at the expense of the state.

“To the best EU with aliens, we will stop high prices and war” founded this year in the Czech Republic by politician Tomas Franek. Recognizes life on other planets and calls ending the war in Ukraine a priority.

“Empty Spaces” – Italian party founded in 2010. He promises not to send deputies to parliament so that their seats remain empty, and if he wins, he will dissolve himself.

“Party of Evil Chickens” – a Swedish party that claims to fight to reduce censorship on the Internet and change copyright law. Its members also want to give smaller parties easier access to politics.

“Party of European Democratic Esperantists” is a French party campaigning for greater multilingualism in the EU. They also require that Esperanto be a working language in institutions. If the documents cannot be translated into all EU languages, the party wants them to be available at least in Esperanto.

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