September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: a man poured white paint on the Russian consulate

A 29-year-old citizen poured white paint on the building of the Russian Consulate General in Thessaloniki. In particular, driving past the consulate on his own two-wheeled vehicle, he poured white paint on the facade of the building, which is located on Dimosthenous Street in the center of Thessaloniki.

The police were called to the scene. Employees ΕΛ.ΑΣ. We found a plastic bottle with white paint residue. As reported by, the man was identified after an investigation conducted by police officers of the Department of State Protection and Security ? ης). A case was brought against him for causing damage to foreign property and violating the Weapons and Flares Act.

A little later, with the assistance of employees of the Thessaloniki Direct Action Directorate, he was discovered and arrestedand during a search in his house the following were discovered and confiscated:

  • 7 knives of different types,
  • 2 iron brass knuckles,
  • 5 cartridges and a cartridge case,
  • 2 naval flares and 26 firecrackers.

Also, during a search in the defendant’s personal car, which was confiscated, a plastic bottle with white paint, similar to the one he threw at the consulate, was found. It is expected that the person arrested will be charged accordingly.

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