September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The Houthis have attacked the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea and claim they have dealt a “critical blow” to it.

Yemen's Houthis said they launched a missile attack on the USS Eisenhower, even hitting it, they claim.

Houthi military spokesman Yahya Shari said the missile attack “is a response to US-British strikes on the Yemeni provinces of Sanaa, Hodeidah and Taiz,” calling it a “key ballistic missile attack.”

US and UK strikes in Yemen killed 16 people.

However, the Houthis claim the total death toll was 58, including several civilians. Another 35 people were injured in bombing attacks by US-British forces in Yemen. The strikes targeted radio stations in the Al-Hawk area of ​​Hodeidah and the port of Salif, Al-Mashira explained.

The US and UK militaries said they carried out strikes on Houthi rebel targets in Yemen yesterday, Thursday, as part of efforts to prevent further disruption to international shipping in the Red Sea. In a statement, the US Joint Forces Command, which is responsible for the Middle East (CENTCOM, Central Command), said that US and British forces carried out strikes on 13 targets in areas controlled by Houthi rebels in Yemen. Britain's Ministry of Defense said the joint operation hit three sites in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, where it said there were drones and anti-aircraft weapons.

“As always, the utmost care has been taken in planning strikes to minimize any risk to civilians or civilian infrastructure. – says a statement from the British Ministry of Defense. – Conducting strikes at night should also further reduce any such risks..

“U.S. Central Command Update May 30. From approximately 3:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sana'a time on May 30, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed eight unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in areas of Yemen controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthis and over the Red Sea. In addition, USCENTCOM forces, together with the British armed forces, carried out strikes in self-defense against 13 Houthi targets in terrorist-controlled areas of Yemen. UIt was determined that these UAVs and objects posed a threat to American and coalition forces and merchant ships in the region. These actions are necessary to protect our forces, ensure freedom of navigation, and improve the security of international waters for U.S., coalition and merchant vessels.”

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