October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

CBS: Mitsotakis agreed with Biden to send illegal immigrants from Latin America to Greece

In an unprecedented revelation, a story on CBS's (Pan-American) main news program suggested that illegal immigrants entering the United States from Latin America would be transported to Greece to help the country's production process.

This is not reported by the Greek government, but by a foreign TV channel, which in turn means that there is some kind of agreement with the Joe Biden administration.

In other words, the government is once again pursuing a secret political agenda that it does not inform anyone about and simply imposes on the Greek citizens. Of course, this is to help Joe Biden be able to continue the presidential election while presenting some kind of “normalcy” within the country. Americans are outraged by the massive invasion of millions of illegal immigrants on their land and the Biden administration's handling of the problem.

According to the CBS report, four centers have been set up for illegal immigrants – in Colombia, Guatemala, Ecuador and Costa Rica, where a “sorting” will be carried out and a decision will be made on who will go to Greece and Italy. As CBS notes, the goal of this initiative is “remove as many foreigners from the United States as possible”!

It should be noted that the Greek government has already announced agreements with Egypt, Bangladesh and Pakistan to legalize the entry of thousands of foreigners into the country under the pretext of a shortage of “farm workers.” It is noted that in September 2023, the Minister of Rural Development and Food L. Avgenakis stated at a conference in Heraklion that “The country needs 180,000 agricultural workers on an annual basis.” In particular, he said: “Every year we need 180,000 agricultural workers. Countries that have met this need over time are Egypt, Albania, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc.

For this reason, we urgently contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to immediately begin to strengthen our local embassies, our offices to examine the dossier, but not with a willingness to refuse, since this has been happening all the time lately, but with a real willingness to check the dossier of each person, interested in coming to Greece to work at the request of a specific company that will hire him for a certain period.”

So it looks like these countries weren't enough and now we're turning to Latin America! Of course another question arises:“Along with foreigners from Latin America, other elements may enter the country who may belong to either terrorist organizations such as ISIS (several of its members appeared among foreigners trying to enter the United States from Mexico) or Mexican cartels (which may operate here, as “connections” or even as sicarios – professional killers).

Immigration and Asylum Minister Dimitris Kairidis took a stance on the CBS report, telling radio station SKAI it was a “false report”. He even stated that the American broadcaster never contacted the Greek authorities to ask their opinion. “We are in the pre-election period, this is not a politically dead time, some people may want to create the impression,” the minister said. He then posted the following on Platform X: “The CBS report is untrue. There is no agreement or request from the US to resettle legal immigrants in Greece.”

“The CBS report is untrue. There is no agreement or request from the United States to resettle legal immigrants in Greece. Greek immigration policy is clear and working despite international difficulties. Strict border security, respect for the law and human life, combating illegal human trafficking and at the same time bilateral labor mobility agreements with friendly countries to fill gaps in the labor market and attract talent to turn the country into an international center for research and technology. Our policies are delivering results, as evidenced by the low occupancy rate of the national reception and identification system, especially in the East Aegean island structures, and the success of the tourist visa facilitation program for legal Turkish visitors, which is a result of our increased confidence in the European Union.”

Commentators have already expressed doubts about the veracity of the minister's statement, believing that “there is no smoke without fire” …

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