September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A cat in Turkey underwent plastic surgery on its nose

A cat named Yulaf in Turkey had plastic surgery on her nose because she had difficulty breathing due to her narrow nostrils.

Ataberk Dursun, who lives in Sivas, took his cat Yulaf, who was breathing poorly, to the veterinarian. After tests, it was decided to give the 1.5-year-old cat a nose job.

Following examination and surgery by veterinarian Ibrahim Ozmen, the cat, whose nose was narrow, was successfully restored to health. In a statement to reporters, Ozmen said that during the operation, Yulaf's nasal passages were widened.

“Such applications are made both in veterinary medicine and in human medicine. Of course, our goals are different, there it is done mainly for aesthetic purposes. In the case of animals, it is done for medical purposes, says the veterinarian. – This condition was caused by the narrow structure of the nose, and we widened the nasal passages through surgery. Her condition is very good, there is some swelling, but we expect it to decrease. If the operation had not been carried out, after a while she would have developed problems with her heart and circulation, because she was breathing frequently and heavily.”

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