September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Increase in electricity tariffs in June

Representatives of the wholesale market report a sharp jump in “green” electricity tariffs, up to 35% compared to current prices.

The market clearing price for May is 78.54 euros per megawatt-hour, which foreshadows an increase in the final fees for feed-in tariffs in June. Let us recall that the average wholesale price of the previous month is one of the parameters of the fluctuation mechanism, on the basis of which the final prices are formed each month. Besides final prices will also depend from the discounts applied by companies in June, but even if they choose a “broader” discount policy, final prices in June will be higher compared to the current month.

Approximately, considering existing discount levels As a given, commission increases range from 20% to 35%. Market sources emphasize that there will be an increase in rates and other “colors” (read in detail in the Athens News: what is “colored bills”), whether we are talking about ex-post tariffs or forecasts.

The reduced participation of RES (renewable energy sources) in the energy mix, combined with higher natural gas prices (monthly ahead), has led to an increase in the wholesale price for May, which will be reflected in consumer bills.

In particular, consumers are asked to choose blue flat rategreen special, yellow variable and orange dynamic. Each of the four different colors in the tariffs will also be sold at a different price per kilowatt-hour, with the consumer asked to choose which one they want. It should be noted that If we do not make any choice, we will automatically fall into the feed-in tariff.

Blue account:

  • Fixed fee per kWh for the entire duration of the contract.
  • It is not affected by market fluctuations in the electricity market.
  • The highest fee per kWh among all tariff types.
  • Exit clauses apply and are more expensive.

Yellow account:

  • Variable fee per kWh per month.
  • The monthly fee depends on market fluctuations in the electricity market.
  • The price of kWh per month of consumption will be known at the end of the month.
  • No withdrawal provisions apply.

Orange account:

  • Variable charge per kWh for 24 hours.
  • It is affected by market fluctuations in the electricity market.
  • Hourly payment only when installing a smart meter.
  • No exit provisions.

Green account:

  • Charges per kWh are based on fixed and variable prices.
  • It is affected by market fluctuations in the electricity market.
  • Adjustment provisions apply.
  • No severance provisions are imposed.

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