September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Red Sea: Houthis hit a Greek ship with a ballistic missile

A Greek-owned, Panama-flagged ship sailing in the Red Sea was attacked by a ballistic missile.

According to US Central Command, the attack occurred at approximately 1 a.m. (Sanaa time) on May 18, when Iran-backed Houtists fired an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) into the Red Sea and hit a tanker M/T Wind, owned by Greece and flying the Panamanian flag.

M/T Wind recently docked in Russia and was heading to China. The attack caused flooding, resulting in loss of motive power and steering control. The coalition vessel immediately responded to the M/T Wind's distress signal, but no assistance was required. The ship's crew was able to restore movement and control, and there were no casualties.

Houthis hit M/S Wind in the Red Sea At approximately 1 a.m. (Sanaa time) on May 18, the Iran-backed Houthis launched one anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) into the Red Sea and hit the M/T Wind, a Panama-flagged oil tanker owned and operated by Greece. . M/T Wind had recently docked in Russia and was heading to China. The PBR impact caused flooding, which resulted in the loss of propulsion and steering. The coalition vessel immediately responded to M/T Wind's distress call, but no assistance was required. The M/T Wind crew was able to restore the propulsion system and steering, and no injuries were reported. M/T Wind resumed sailing under its own power. This continued malicious and reckless behavior by the Iran-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and puts the lives of sailors in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden at risk.

The ship's crew managed to restore movement and control; there were no casualties. The ship “Wind” continued to follow its course independently.

Panama-flagged crude oil tanker attacked near Yemen's Red Sea port city #Mocha : British security firm Ambrey. This is the latest incident in waters where #Houthi militants have attacked ships in solidarity with the Palestinians.

Yemen's Houthi rebels, who control Yemen's most populous areas and align themselves with Iran, have been launching attacks on commercial ships sailing off the country's coast for months.

“This continued malicious and reckless behavior by the Iran-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and puts the lives of sailors in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden at risk,” – US Central Command said in a statement on Platform X.


Earlier, the British maritime safety organization UKMTO reported that the ship, moving in the Red Sea, collided with an unknown object and received minor damage.

“The vessel and crew are safe and continue to the next port of call.”, – said in an emergency message, clarifying that the incident occurred in the sea area 76 nautical miles northwest of the city of Hodeidah, a Yemeni port in the Red Sea. At the end of April, the Hutists launched ballistic missiles, causing damage to a Greek-owned ship.

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