September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The weather will turn bad on Good Friday

On Maundy Thursday the winds will subside and the temperature will rise slightly, but the very next day, starting on Good Friday, the mercury will begin to drop, and there will be rain on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.


Unstable weather with localized rain, in the western and northern parts of mainland Greece, short-term thunderstorms. Winds in the west will be between 3 and 5 Beaufort. In the east, the wind will blow from the north from 3 to 5 points, and in the south locally up to 6 points, becoming westerly with the same intensity.

The temperature will not change significantly. It will be 22-24°C on the islands and 25-27°C on the mainland.


In the west, center and north, partly cloudy weather with localized rain is forecast. Isolated thunderstorms will occur in the north and occasionally in the west, as well as sporadic thunderstorms in the northeast of the mainland, mainly in the mountains. Gradual improvement from the afternoon and from the west over most of the country, while during the evening hours the events will be limited to the north-east where they will gradually weaken.

The rest of the country has generally clear weather. Visibility in the morning hours in the west of the mainland will be locally limited. The wind will blow from the west, in the north from 3 to 5 points, in the central and southern regions from 4 to 6 points and gradually in the southern regions of the Aegean to 7 points.

Temperatures will drop slightly in the west and north, and will be 21-23°C in the north, 23-25°C in the rest of the country and 26-27°C in the east of the mainland and locally in Crete.


Initially in the west, center and north, and then gradually in the rest of the country, cloudy weather is forecast, partly cloudy with localized rain and, mainly in the east, isolated thunderstorms. In the evening, the phenomena in the west and gradually in the north will weaken and stop by late night. The wind is west/northwest, and in the north north/northwest, from 4 to 6, and in the southern seas locally 7 on the Beaufort scale. Temperatures will drop slightly, mainly in the east and south.


Cloudy weather with localized rain and thunderstorms is forecast for the central and southern Aegean, Euboea, eastern Thessaly and eastern Central Greece. By midday these phenomena will weaken and be limited to Crete, while the weather will improve in other areas. The rest of the country has almost clear weather with some clouds, partly increasing in the afternoon and afternoon hours on the mainland, with localized rain or showers, mainly in the northern mountains.

The wind will blow from the north at a speed of 4 to 6 points, and in the Aegean Sea in some places up to 7 points, gradually weakening in the west and north. Temperatures will rise, mainly in the west.


The weather is generally clear, with clouds appearing only on the mainland during the midday and afternoon hours, mainly in the mountains, where there will be localized rain and isolated thunderstorms. Winds in the west and north will be variable between 3 and 4 Beaufort, while the rest of the country will blow from the north at 4 to 6 Beaufort. Temperatures across the country will rise slightly.

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