September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Peskov admitted "state of war"

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the North Military District has escalated into a real war.

According to him, this happened due to Western intervention, quotes

“We are in a state of war. Yes, it began as a special military operation, but as soon as this group was formed there, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, for us it already became a war. I am convinced of this. And everyone should understand this for your internal mobilization.”

In an interview with Arguments and Facts, he noted that Russia has four new subjects of the Federation: “The main thing for us is to protect the people in these subjects and liberate the territory of these subjects, which is currently de facto occupied by the Kyiv regime.”

In the same interview, Peskov said that Russia “does not welcome” Russian citizens who have gone abroad, who “have taken the position of the enemy of their country,” and if they fight against Russian troops with weapons in their hands, they will be “destroyed.” Here he repeated the words of Putin, who said that “traitors” would be killed, even though there is no death penalty in Russia.

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