September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Beating of a 4-year-old child: the child is in intensive care

There is a 4-year-old boy in the intensive care unit of the Aglaya Kiriaki Children’s Hospital, who was beaten by his stepfather. The baby remains intubated and is in critical condition.

ERT reporters contacted his mother, who said that today her son will have another CT scan of his brain to check whether the tumor has shrunk. According to her, there is even a possibility that the child will undergo surgery if his health does not improve. The child’s other three siblings are also in hospital.

In fact, one of them has a broken arm and has undergone mini-surgery. The rest are under supervision and have undergone medical examination. They are also expected to be examined by a medical examiner.

The children’s mother spoke about the scale of the tragedy, the “real hell” in which she and her children were. “He beat me and the children with everything he could get his hands on. He threw objects at me,” the mother said, among other things. “He put a razor blade (knife) to my throat. I’m still a little dizzy and I haven’t fully come to my senses… I ended up in intensive care. I I saw him lift my boy very high and throw him down.”

The children’s uncle said: “As soon as he heard the name of my brother (the children’s biological father), he told his partner: ‘I will kill your child to see what the father will do.’

The trial has been going on since October
Last October (2023) mother filed a lawsuit against her partner for domestic violence against her and her children. A month later, the 4-year-old child was taken to a children’s hospital with injuries from blows and burns. Then the hospital filed an application with the prosecutor’s office for minors.

According to sources in the prosecutor’s office, since November the head of the Athens prosecutor’s office has ordered investigation to determine the exact living conditions of the child. However, the police responded that it was “difficult for them to establish the real address of the family.”

Further, on January 8, neighbors contacted Smile of a Child regarding neglect and abuse of their neighbors’ children.

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