September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The US Treasury is blackmailing Congress: “If you don’t give money, the US will be blamed for Ukraine’s defeat.”

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blames her country for Ukraine’s potential defeat in the war.

During a recent visit to Mexico City, she said the United States would be held responsible for Ukraine’s defeat unless Congress authorized further economic aid for the country. Yellen considers continued provision of financial resources to Kyiv “absolutely necessary” since support for the Ukrainian budget is considered critical at this stage of the war.

In conclusion, the US Secretary described how she and her colleagues contacted members of the Senate and explained to them the criticality of the situation and the need for additional financial assistance to Ukraine.

Earlier it became known that the US Senate blocked putting a bill on aid to Ukraine to a vote. The document did not pass the procedural vote. For Democrats, this is a way out – to blame the Republicans for the defeat of Ukraine. Republicans do not seek to share political responsibility for Ukraine with Democrats.

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